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A girl watches a classmate's interview

We frequently publish stories about what is happening on campus, as well as student and staff accomplishments, both inside and outside of the classroom. District news is also posted on our social media accounts and shared with all District residents through biannual Pioneer Review newsletters. 

District Newsletter - Pioneer Review

The Pioneer Review is published twice a year and mailed to all households in the school district. The newsletter includes current information about the district; academic, athletic, and arts achievements; faculty and staff recognition; and a list of upcoming events. Please feel free to download the latest issue, below.

Pioneer Review: January-June 2024

Social Media

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Lampeter-Strasburg HS
Martin Meylin MS



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LS News - In 2015, the L-S High School student newspaper - Limelight  - was relaunched for the digital age as LS News. Be sure to visit the LS News website and follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive the latest from our talented student news team.