Martin Meylin Names March Students of the Month
Martin Meylin Middle School's creative arts team selected students who display dedication as the March 2023 Students of the Month.
The March 2023 Martin Meylin Students of the Month (left to right): Reagan Miller, Calleigh Kauffman, Layla Stoltzfus, Evan Sauder, Anderson Lawrence, Cole Dombach, Bethany Sanborn, Austin Li, Peyton Lindsey, Megan Smoker
These Students of the Month are consistently goal-oriented, always put forth maximum effort, are resilient and persevere through difficult tasks rather than giving up, and explore and pursue interests and abilities. Congratulations to the 11 students who received this honor!
- Art - Anderson Lawrence
- Band - Evan Sauder
- Fitness & Wellness - Reagan Miller
- German - Landry Maines
- Health - Calleigh Kauffman
- Music - Bethany Sanborn
- Orchestra - Austin Li
- Phys Ed - Cole Dombach
- Phys Ed - Peyton Lindsey
- Spanish - Layla Stoltzfus
- Technology Education - Megan Smoker
Board Recognition
Eighth graders received public recognition at the April 3 meeting of the L-S Board of School Directors. Board member Andrew Welk presented the certificates.