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a girl works on homework with parent

Children are home-schooled for a variety of reasons and some of these reasons may dictate the type of educational materials selected. For example, a family may be interested in a classical education or perhaps a faith-based curriculum.

If you are considering homeschooling as an educational option, please review the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Home Education and Private Tutoring Guide.

If you plan on homeschooling and your child(ren) is currently enrolled at L-S, please contact their building guidance office or secretary to withdraw them.

The following documentation would need to be submitted upon initial homeschooling decision; then annually thereafter by August 1.:

  1. A notarized Homeschool Affidavit or Unsworn Declaration that includes the age of each student listed.
  2. Educational objectives for each student.
  3. Evidence of immunization or exemption for each student.
  4. For Special Education students, written notification of program approval from an appropriately credentialed evaluator must also be submitted.

Requests for materials can be made in mid-August once we have our final course enrollment numbers. Textbooks would be available once it is established that we have enough for our enrolled students. We cannot provide access to virtual textbooks or subscriptions. If borrowing any materials, they will need to be returned by June 30.

End-of-Year Evaluations are due by June 30. You will need to secure an appropriately credentialed evaluator to review your child(ren) progress; qualifications need to accompany the paperwork. For graduating students, we request that you provide final transcripts and/or a copy of any diploma received.

Letter of Transfers:  If you will be moving into L-S School District from another PA school district and plan to continue to homeschool, please request a “Letter of Transfer” from your current school district administrator to be sent to the address below. Also request that they provide us with a copy of the most recent paperwork that you submitted. If you will be moving from L-S and plan to continue to homeschool in PA, please contact us so we can issue a “Letter of Transfer” on your behalf.

Homeschool paperwork should be addressed to:

PO BOX 428
LAMPETER PA 17537-0428

Paperwork can be submitted by US mail or dropping it off at the Administration Building in a sealed envelope or email enclosures via pdf format to

School Photos

If you are interested in having your child(ren)’s pictures taken by the school photographer at the beginning of the school year, please contact Bonnie Aukamp at  or  717-358-1842 in mid-August.

Homeschool Information